Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Isotach maps are maps with lines that show equal wind speeds. This map is displaying four different panels of Isotachs of North America measured at different speeds.


An Isobar is a map that displays lines of equal atmospheric pressure. There are three rules that apply to an Isobar map; Isobar lines never cross or touch, the Isobar lines can only pass through pressures of  +1000 or -1000 and lastly atmospheric pressure is shown in mb (millibars). This map is displaying the atmospheric pressure around and over Europe.

Monday, October 25, 2010


a DOQQ map is a pixel based image of an aerial photo in which the terrain and the displacements from the camera have been extracted. The image is a combination of a picture and the geometric aspects of a map. This image shows the areas that were impacted by Hurricane Katrina and Rita.

Friday, October 15, 2010


 DEM stands for Digital elevation model. Its digital representation of ground surface topography. This DEM is just a sample of what a DEM would look like.